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Endeavour Short Courses

Ready to upskill?

As an exclusive offer to existing Endeavour students, broaden your horizons and deepen your knowledge with unlimited access to our diverse range of short courses, free of charge. Whether you're looking to improve your own health and wellbeing, or planning to start your own natural health business after your studies, there's an Endeavour Short Course for you. We have courses about gut health, nutrition essentials, wellness coaching, women's health and so much more - so level up your Endeavour course today with our suite of short courses.


Grow Your Own Food: from seed to salad

Reap a healthy harvest at home – no green thumb required! In this mini course, learn how to grow herbs, fruits and vegetables, whether you have a spacious garden or a sunny windowsill. Discover what you need to get started, which plants will suit your growing location, and the best way to ensure they thrive.

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Eating Disorders: understanding, support and action

Eating disorders, like Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Binge eating disorders are significant concerns for many Australians. Discover how to identify early warning signs, examine protective factors to avoid them and what support services are available.

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Food and the Environment: from farm to fork

Learn how you can eat well, choose foods with a low-environmental impact and plate up a meal that everyone will enjoy. Explore your food choices, learn how to make the most of fresh produce and have a go at growing food at home.

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Food Psychology: improving relationships with food

Get your relationship with food back on track. Discover the role our brain plays in food choices. Understand the factors that lead to overeating. Equip yourself with strategies to instil healthier habits, encourage body positivity and improve your mental health.

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Sociology of Food: factors that impact our choices

You are what you eat, right? But how are our food choices influenced by the society and culture that we live in? In this CPE/CPD course, explore the social determinants of health and the different factors that impact our food choices. Learn how to encourage behavioural change when it comes to our diet.

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Natural Health

Holistic Health: natural medicine from around the world

Explore ancient healing practices from around the world and use this knowledge to boost your health and vitality. Gain an introduction to herbal remedies, naturopathy, Chinese medicine and Australian bush foods. Learn about herbs for healing and how you can use food as medicine.

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Natural Remedies: herbs and health

Unpack modern medicine and traditional healing and discover simple ways you can use herbs and plants to improve your health. Explore homeopathy, flower essences, aromatherapy and herbal preparations.

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Pharmacology: drugs and their effects

How do pharmaceutical drugs affect our bodies? How does a drug's concentration influence its effect? Why do some people react differently to the same medicine? In this CPE/CPD course, answer these questions and more.

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Musculoskeletal Therapies: hands-on healing

How do hands-on therapies boost our health and wellbeing? And what’s the difference between myotherapy, chiropractic, massage, osteopathy, and physiotherapy? In this CPE/CPD course, expand your knowledge of manual therapies that alleviate pain and improve function in our muscles, joints, and bones.

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Homeopathic Acute Prescribing: more than like cures like

If you’re inspired to expand your homeopathic knowledge beyond the basic principle of “like cures like”, then this CPE/CPD course is for you. Learn how to develop, choose, dispense, and assess homeopathic treatments used to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.

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Comparative Materia Medica: homeopathic prescriptions

For homeopathic practitioners, Comparative Materia Medica is an important tool. In this CPE/CPD course, you will learn about homeopathy’s classification system. Study and compare various homeopathic remedies using traditional, scientific, and biochemic perspectives, and learn how to prescribe medicines for simple cases.

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Mental Health and Wellness

Wellness Practices: tools for balanced living

Deep dive into wellness, wellbeing and mindfulness. Explore how you can maximise your sleep, eat well to live well, get more active and build resilience, compassion and gratitude. Achieve balance in your life, and champion wellbeing in others.

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Critical Thinking: enhancing skills for wellness

Learn how to assess a situation and do your research effectively. Understand how to consider various perspectives and weigh up the potential consequences. Identify credible information, construct a cohesive argument and express ideas that persuade or inspire others.

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Wellness Coaching: leading positive change

Identify your coaching style and develop the coaching skills to become a wellness warrior. Explore goal setting and understand how to use behaviour change plans to create healthier habits, lead change, and build resilience.

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Mindfulness in Practice: the evidence-based benefits

While many of us understand mindfulness in theory, we struggle to put it into practice. In this CPE/CPD course, learn how to use mindfulness and why it is mind-blowingly good for our health. Develop self-awareness, cultivate attentional intelligence, and learn how to teach mindfulness to others.

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“One of the most important things I learnt was that change doesn’t have to be drastic. It can start small and evolve from there." ⁠— Sarah Marshall

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