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Diploma of Health Science – Complementary Medicine Electives


Diploma of Health Science

Next intake

Campus locations

Online only

Course length

1 year full-time

Contact hours

24 hours per week (full-time)

Payment options

Domestic available


Contribute to a healthier and happier society with Endeavour’s Diploma of Health Science focusing on key elements of complementary medicine.

This one-year full time (two years part time) higher education diploma provides you with a strong foundation in biological science and social sciences as well as offering you an opportunity to cultivate their passion for wellbeing through choosing electives that feed their curiosity.

If you have a desire to learn more about herbs and their practical usage, the elective in Herbal Botany and Manufacturing will teach you skills to produce various herbal medicine preparations for topical and internal administration. Perhaps your passion lies in food as medicine where the elective medicinal food science will allow you to explore the therapeutic potentials of various whole foods, in order to understand the effects on health outcomes, disease risk, prevention and/or treatment.

Upon graduation, this Higher Education Diploma opens the doors to further study in health science degrees or roles in allied health or complementary medicine environments. From owning your own business to being a part of community health project teams, the career outcomes of this course are full of exciting possibilities.

"The most rewarding part of this career is being able to help others. When someone comes to see you and tells you that they’re feeling better because you’ve helped them improve their quality of life – that’s a very good feeling."

Talia Harvey

Diploma of Health Science graduate

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of the development of homeopathic therapy, and modern adaptations in common usage.
  • Be introduced to the theory and practice of food-based science, including food spoilage, food additives and natural toxins.
  • Learn the theory and practice of herbal manufacturing and gain experience in the preparation of plants used in the practice of herbal medicine.
  • Gain an introduction to the philosophy, principles of practice and theories that underlie Naturopathic medicine.
  • Understanding of the fundamental theories and sociological constructs that facilitate holistic practice with individuals and communities.

Career Outcomes

Graduates will be skilled to pursue several career paths, including:

  • Working on project teams in community health, local and federal government or even in community gardens
  • Recipe and product development for your own brand or for local business. This could include developing your own products such as herbal teas, healthy meal packs, café menus and beauty and health-related products
  • Specialised retail work in health food stores, organic food sales, pharmacy retail and nutrition sales
  • Digital content creation through social media channels, blog writing and video development
  • Clinic management
  • Further studies in allied health science careers including naturopathy, nutrition and dietetics, acupuncture, complementary medicine and other allied health fields

This course forms a solid base for you to go forth and work in established professions or branch out into a career that doesn’t even exist yet! The opportunities for you are endless.

Student and Alumni Profiles

Student Profile

Discover how Emma found her passion for nutrition with Endeavour

Alumni Profile

Find out how Vicki Yap-Khaw found her passion in Naturopathy

Course Structure

The Diploma of Health Science is delivered 100% online.

  • Enjoy fully digitally structured learning, supported by our expert academics.
  • Book one-on-one consultations with subject specialists.
  • Study all your subjects at any time during the week within specified delivery periods.
  • Attend live classes virtually at specific timetabled times throughout the week. Supported by online study materials.

Students are required to select 8 credit points in total from the elective stream. Talk to an admissions adviser about your elective choices.

Contact our admissions team for additional details on the delivery mode for each subject or download the course structure here.

Code Subject Title Outline

Professional Associations

Diploma of Health Science graduates may apply for associate membership with the Complementary Medicine Association (CMA).


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